Thursday, May 27, 2010


I've slacked off.
I know it deep down in my heart that I'm doing it on purpose.
It's going to bite me real hard in the bum & then its all going to all be about regret.
Why am I doing it?
The awful truth is that its because I can.

I want all the things that come after this huge massive bump in the road.
Because all those things make me happy, are sweet and means that I can get on with something new in my life.

But I have to get through this first.
So I need to look at it a new way.
Stop being afraid.
Dive in & hope for the best.
I don't want to relive this.

Its time to get this over and done with.
For once and for all.
Enough is enough.
It may feel too late but I still have a chance.

I'll make it work.
I want all those happysweetnew things to be real.

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