Wednesday, February 11, 2009

for the words that don't always fit.

The reasons that may not seem obvious to you...

She's tired of some of the childishness that goes on. The over bearing sick, sad, sweet proclamations that no one really needs to know or that don't really put any justice on anything at all. If it needs such proof then really are you just convincing yourself than it actually being realistic. Some things she doesn't agree on but it doesn't really get to her, its the really stupid teenage crap that gets on her nerves. She's too old to be playing games, too mature to care what goes on behind your closed doors and just plain and simply not interested. Proof is not in words that one may write but in the actions that cannot be explained because how extraordinary the actions are to yourself and only you.

The things you pretend to care about...

If its all about caring about what others want and what others feel then stop contradicting yourself and take one hard look at what you doing. Don't say that you are trying to do this and that when only in the end all your actions turn round and do not even justify what's coming out of your mouth. She's been here longer, she's been through a lot more, and this is no different than before and therefore it makes you no different from all those that were in the same spot in the past. Wonder why those who are unhappy about it all are unhappy. Maybe its the unhappiness of certain situations and the loss of a strong friendship.So before you say things and assume you know why, think again.

The parts of that will not be her problem...

In the end its not really her problem, she's just sad and upset that one of the things that were most important to someone she wants to protect is compromised. She knows that deep down inside that it would not be discussed because its not in their nature and eventually it will just fade away into nothing, and that's what makes it worse. She doesn't care about the things you think she cares about, in fact she's seen a lot of these things come and go and she knows that the real test is later on down the track, because every year it becomes more challenging and not everyone makes it, something not even the strongest of people can get past. So choose your words wisely about the people that care for who you care about because you may be destroying things that are important in someone else's life deliberately. She doesn't care about the overall picture and if that makes her less of a friend than so be it, but she does care about some of the friendships you can categorie however you think you wish. Every friendship has a mark of its own, its not up to you to choose which one deserves which mark.

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