Sunday, February 22, 2009

exception to the rule.

Being the hopeless romantic...

She's too much of a hopeless romantic, and she's a bad one too. She's not too sure how she turned out like that, all lovey dovey and spontaneous is all things love. But she loves it for the thrill and for that warm feeling inside. And truthfully probably for that modern day happily ever after too. Being in this state of mind for her is not always easy. There are too many things that can easily cause her to be disappointed and frustrated, the lack of trying or even just the lack of gestures. She can't seem to help herself into it because being that hopeless romantic only means that you always hope for the best, whether or not it will ever change.

Being the exception and not the rule...

There's always those stories that end without much reality. She wants to be selfish and wants to be one of those. But she's not fooled into thinking that it will present itself without much warning and do as her dreams tell her to do. She doesn't want to fall into old traps and unmistakable lies. She doesn't want to be the old traditions of a significant other or just that girl. She wants him to make her feel like the reality can be unbelievable. And that it is unbelievable, not because of big grand gestures or huge romantic offerings, but because he makes her his exception to every other girl. She simply wants to be his exception and not his rule.

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