Friday, April 21, 2006

she couldn't care less.

And the world frells her over again...

She tries to care about everyone, give everyone a honest chance, a second chance. She tries to understand everyone's problems equally, unbiased and gives her honest advice when she believes it is needed. She defends herself when she is attacked, even if it wasn't intentional. She gets upset too, she gets angry, she needs to be understood, she needs to be heard. Yet no one thinks of her... no one...

So why should she care about the rest of the world...

Take time out to listen to her. Just like you she doesn't like to be ignored, treat her like she treats you at least. Do you even care about her to find out, to even bother to acknowledge anything that is wrong with her. You're too worried about having fun, her not trying to ruin your night. Is she asking too much again. In fact why does she bother to even ask for frelling anything.

Let the world frell her over... she couldn't care less anymore...

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