It's always been like this. Always angry, always tempers, always threatening to hurt each part of me. Yell all you like, be pissed off with whatever might be wrong in your life, don't expect me to give a shit or be affected by it in anyway. I simply couldn't give half a shit about your behavior anymore. There are something in my life I know I could of done better, avoided the arguments, but right now, the past is in the past, and your unhelpful attitude is right there with it.
Turning away without a second glance...
I use to think I needed to care about what you said, but you never once praised me on anything that I actually did right in my life, if there was any by you. I'm suppose to care what you say but over the many years I've learned long and hard and with the free flowing tears that all you ever do is make me upset whenever I have found the right puzzle to my already hectic life. I don't care about anything from you, unless you change because I'm sick of changing just for you.
Anger and upsetting me will not work anymore...
You can eat that anger you have for me because no one else could give two shits about it anymore, especially me. In fact, unless you get over the past, move onto the better future, I can't give a shit in anything you say about me or everything that I do. Be a stubborn mule, because I know I can never resolve it with you because it's who you are. At least I tried to mend things with you even though I knew they would never work, you always take the back ward step. Walk as far back wards as you want from now on I won't be there to help you forward.
I've given up on trying to be anything to you...
You don't deserve my attention anymore.
Unfortunately this has happened more than once in my life with only one person who can make me feel so useless. No human being can make you feel that way and this time I will not let it happen to me. A feud of 19 years and it will stop for me right now because I have been reinventing my life and this is just another step. That's right, just a step and nothing more. I couldn't care less. Not inspired tonight just angry and relieved to realize how to deal with such a useless situation.
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