Sunday, March 12, 2006

for you

For the one with a strong heart of gold...

There are so many things that I would say, that I feel should be said to make you feel better. Yet I look at you and that beautiful brave face and I know that you know what you need to do. So I want to just give you a hug for being one of the most solid friends I could ever have. Mend that heart of pain, nautrally smile with perfection  and my dear, you will shine with all the happiness in the world. You will find the love that you once bestowed on another and you feel that this love will overwhelmed you without the excuses. Look after that heart of gold because it wouldn't be you without it.

For the one with challenges up ahead...

Things have been rough for a very long time, I know that you don't want that and you are in my mind a very fair person. So when you give him second chances, I wonder how you can find that strength in you when I can barely find the courage to deal with first chances of any kind. "Never let a fling throw a relationship away..." That will forever stay with me because there is so much conviction in that one sentence. Look after your own happiness for no matter the romantic fantasies.

For the one where the future brings happiness to others...

It's been a long time coming, through the tension and unknown feelings towards each other. Though I did not plan to solve this, it has been solved. At least at this moment we are at an understanding, something that we have lacked constantly. Friendship may be one path but there are things that I will not sacrifice the truth. Beware of that. As for him, I am happy that he is finally at ease. Look after the things that you say and do for the sake of other people.

For the one who will make me rawr...

The truth hurts when you say them out loud, but they are the truth neither the less. Apologies mean very little in situations like this. I hope that a little time and a little patience is something that you can bestow upon me. I have done a lot of wrongs in the past with you, and while I have the darkest convictions all mapped out it seems the hardest part is to do right by it. Just don't treat me without a second thought. Look after the anger you may have for me.

Inspired by:
Each person that I have written in each paragraph, you know who you are...

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