Saturday, February 18, 2006

you will lose.

The games we play...

They will last for eternity if we let them. They will eat us up, degrade the mind and forever linger in our bloodstreams. So do we let it happen? Let it get the better of us, let it infect our time with useless subtle ways. We shouldn't need the drama queen lifestyle, I left it long ago with trying to find the fairytale love story and the chasing boys in play grounds. You should leave it right there too.

Losing is not a option...

I've won the most important things in my life because unlike you I know what is possible, what I can have and what it is that will have me back in the same way. Don't think your little cheats go by me silently. Think again. I know the little things that mean nothing to anyone else, they mean something to me, the exact opposite to what you want it to seem like. Get over yourself.

Cheating doesn't make a difference...

Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can get away with it. Do not mess around with me and the things that are most important to my life because you've once felt the wrath of my defense, if you didn't like it then, trust me it will be ten fold if I have to do it again. I promise with every bone in my body.

You will lose...

Don't play games with me because I will play it twice as better, twice as hard and with more skill then you will ever know. I will let this remain unnamed... for your sake not mine. You see I don't care, not anymore.

"Love, me"

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