Friday, April 21, 2006

she couldn't care less.

And the world frells her over again...

She tries to care about everyone, give everyone a honest chance, a second chance. She tries to understand everyone's problems equally, unbiased and gives her honest advice when she believes it is needed. She defends herself when she is attacked, even if it wasn't intentional. She gets upset too, she gets angry, she needs to be understood, she needs to be heard. Yet no one thinks of her... no one...

So why should she care about the rest of the world...

Take time out to listen to her. Just like you she doesn't like to be ignored, treat her like she treats you at least. Do you even care about her to find out, to even bother to acknowledge anything that is wrong with her. You're too worried about having fun, her not trying to ruin your night. Is she asking too much again. In fact why does she bother to even ask for frelling anything.

Let the world frell her over... she couldn't care less anymore...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

unbelievably happy.

No heartbreaks and no heartaches...

There are some things that she doesn't think her heart can take. Such as the disappointment of rejection after putting her heart on the line for someone. In the end she would just eventually give up, give up on guys and not finding the right one to be with for the rest of her life. But with him there aren't any worries, there aren't any nervous actions that might make her think that he might not like her the way she is. Sometimes she wonders that maybe she's the one that might disappoint him.

Always kiss and always hugs...

She'll always know that he will be there for her as her pillar of strength. She knows that every kiss will always make her heart grow fonder for him. Every hug will enclose her with strength and safety. She doesn't worry about trying to impress him to like her, she does it for him because she feels beautiful. She hopes that the things that he does for her he does without being forced to and because it's what he wants. Some how, she knows that he does things for her because he's grateful to be with her, like her with him.

I could live with this feeling forever with you...

Some times she wonders how she ever got so lucky, how some strange higher power manage to put some extra sparkle on her to attract him to her. She finds it hard that he still finds her beautiful, wonderful, interesting after so many years, months, days and hours. She's just glad, and undeniably happy that she is with him and he is with her because he wants to.


Three and a half year anniversary...
Unbelievably happy...

Thursday, April 13, 2006

like a goddess

Simple things will always make her smile...

It doesn't take expensive gifts, it doesn't take flowers of great proportions, it doesn't even take a grand gesture of any kind. It's not hard to make her smile, it's not difficult to keep her happy and its definitely not complicated to make her feel like a goddess. So why bother telling her that you're trying, why bother apologising for something that doesn't take a genius to figure out. After all she's not high maintenance otherwise you wouldn't want her anyway.

Beautiful things will make her shine with happiness...

She understands more than you may think she does. Sometimes you've just got to give her a little bit more credit. She tries to give you whatever that you need; support, strength, honesty, care, pressure. Maybe she's just not giving you enough of anything to make it work for you. She tries so hard to make it right for you, for her, for both. Sometimes it's just harder than she imagined.

Heart-felt words will always touch her heart...

Don't read so deep into her thoughts, look at her and say the things that float in your head the moment you really see her. While she knows to expect things that will sweep her off her feet every time she sees you, she just wants to feel special again. It just seems like a long time since that's happened...


Feeling; Simply sad...


Monday, April 10, 2006

unpicking such betrayal

The unspoken words that hurt more...

It's one thing to have a stranger bad mouth her in front of people that she cares about. In fact it doesn't worry her, because if her friends knew her the way she is then it doesn't affect the friendships or the relationships that she has. She doesn't do things irrationally, in fact they are well thought out, well planned. However, if anyone, no matter how close they think they are or really are with her, offends her, be prepared... she will not let it go lightly. The truth is, it's something new to her, standing up for herself, not backing down, not letting people, young, old, small or tall say things that are not true.

Respect does not go one way...

She knows she isn't a rude person without reason and in fact she keeps almost all her private life between her and the people that are involved. That's respect. Just because someone is older or younger does not mean that they should be treated any differently or have a higher function of rudeness to perform on lesser beings. If she was asked politely, treated with care then she would have gladly made that person happy. This was not the case...

Friendship betrayal stabs deeper...

I don't care what she says about me, in fact she has me pinned down as the complete opposite of who I really am. I don't need just my friends to back me but everyone that I have ever known. In fact it's what you didn't say, that made me wonder if it was worth caring about the things that I do. You don't defend me, in fact you don't defend any of us, and I know that everyone felt the same, betrayed. While it may seem that I am angry, I am just sorely disappointed. No matter who they were I would of defended you, in fact I have countless times to anyone who dare spoke a word dishonestly about you.

Pick better friends...
Doesn't that mean friends who don't betray one another and defend one another?


Realisation; Friday Night...
The things that I would do for friendship that others would not do in return...
How do you explain that?

Saturday, April 8, 2006

her secret

Kiss her lips first...


Sorry... not really inspired tonight...

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

the way he is.

The inevitable way things are meant to be...

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