It always begins with a sentence...
Each time she begins the subject it ends with a game of stubbornness and strong-wills. She falls into a circle where she does nothing but go round and round. It's frustrating, annoying and completely does nothing to help anything. Once, it was the answer, it made a difference and it solved everything that every got in between. So has all things that she thought would never change, changed...
The tears that will end...
There's no more crying on her part, and she will never self doubt herself in the ways that she has falsely done in the past. This is where she ends with all the things that annoy you, that drives you insane, that causes so much heartache and tears every time it happens. Its been too often, completely and utterly spiraled out of hand. She will solve it herself, deal with every emotion without you and your questioning. She will do the things that make her happy, she doesn't need you for that.
It will end with a smile on her face...
Whatever the outcome she will know that she did it for herself, for her sanity and definitely for her happiness. She does not want to fall into the same cycle where she is dependent on you that she cannot even save herself. You will never have to solve another problem again even if you are to blame. This the solution to the question that you are forever asking...
Inspired by; A conversation with Marnie...
(Thank you for listening... even with your own situation...)